Q Series
Curiosity driven learning app

Q Series
Q Series, the app-based quizzing platform, aims at harnessing the idea of 'edutainment' and instilling the element of curiosity in learning. It revolves around the idea of turning quiz into a more accessible, flexible and appealing tool of education.
It is a well-known fact that a curious mind aids in learning and Q-Series is an app that aims to instill this curiosity in your child. A curiosity about the wonders of the world that they live in. An app to broaden learning using quizzing as an edutainment tool. Your child gets access to fresh quiz content curated by expert quiz masters, across a wide range of topics with clear and concise explanations and references.
Make learning fun! Challenge your kids with a weekly quiz session.

Q Series publishes weekly quiz sets, every Fridays, on relevant topics of the time. The quiz sets, each of which has 20 questions, are aggregated into three categories, each for classes 1-4, classes 5-8, and classes 9-12. Adding spice to it is the time frame of 20 minutes. However, for classes 1-4, the set will be in objective format thereby incentivising the curiosity and interest in beginners.
From a school’s perspective, Q Series is a tool under the flipped classroom model and a far better alternative to General Knowledge textbooks currently being used. Schools get access to a dashboard that cuts across detailed metrics and provides management and parents with a holistic sense of how a child is doing and what their interests are.
The feature is focused on establishing an environment where the peers can polish their lateral thinking ability rather than just mugging up random information. It’s executed by providing subtle clues in the questions, thereby taking the attention of the student to multiple facets of an entity. The answer keys are accompanied by explainers and attached links from genuine, original sources for the purpose of verification, fact-checking and expanding the scope of knowledge.
Key Highlights:
Premium quiz content across a wide range of topic for children
Encourage curiosity based learning clear and concise explanations to all questions
Intuitive and easy to use quiz application
Partner application for general knowledge (GK) CBSE syllabus
Weekly quizzes
Sort filter tag questions based on your interests

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